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UCS Middle School Image1
Brandon Broach

We believe that the high-school experience is the launching pad to an amazing future for our students. 

The University Charter School secondary experience is rooted in equipping students for success, no matter the path they choose to follow. Our college and career readiness program is dedicated to ensuring that students have access to all the tools needed to build the path to their next steps. 

We are proud to offer various Career-Technical Education electives that focus on real-world experiences to shape and sharpen passion in our students. These offerings include business enterprise, agriculture, computer-science, and more. 

Our high-school students also have the opportunity to explore Advanced Placement courses, and dual-enrollment options for advanced college credits, prior to graduation. 

We believe that the high-school experience is the launching pad to an amazing future for our students. 

The University Charter School secondary experience is rooted in equipping students for success, no matter the path they choose to follow. Our college and career readiness program is dedicated to ensuring that students have access to all the tools needed to build the path to their next steps. 

We are proud to offer various Career-Technical Education electives that focus on real-world experiences to shape and sharpen passion in our students. These offerings include business enterprise, agriculture, computer-science, and more. 

Our high-school students also have the opportunity to explore Advanced Placement courses, and dual-enrollment options for advanced college credits, prior to graduation.